Gum bleeding or foul-smelling mouth that doesn’t go away when brushing might have a more serious cause than just a brushing accident or previous night’s dinner. It is essential that you see a dentist to check if you have one of the common gum diseases, Gingivitis. Gingivitis is caused by a layer of bacteria, namely plaque, accumulating to form a harder form called tartar. Plaque is already one of the reasons of infection of the gums. However, it can get even more serious.

Gingivitis or gum bleeding is a mild gum disease and can be treated with professional cleaning, regular brushing, flossing and antibacterial mouthwash. However, if left unchecked, it can easily develop into a more serious condition called Periodontitis. This is caused by tartar around the roots of your teeth getting into your bone tissues causing bones loss or tooth loss if not treated on time.
Periodontal treatment typically requires root debridement to remove the tartar in the root. This is the traditional treatment that is commonly used among dentists to remove the tartar from the roots of your gum. It is not necessarily as long-lasting as the laser treatment. With the laser treatment, 99% successful elimination of the
bacteria in the tissues can be achieved giving you a long-term oral health.